Modular Soft Seating Is Breaking Boundaries

For business owners and facilities managers, there’s nothing quite like walking into a new, empty office and envisaging the potential of what can be done in that space. While business owners think in terms of the quality of work that will be done, facilities managers think of the aesthetic possibilities that can come to fruition there (and as all savvy facilities managers know, the latter definitely has a big influence on the former). And that’s where  Modular Soft Seating comes in.

Clever furniture – furniture that pushes the boundaries of what we thought is possible in an office space  – can be used to elevate otherwise dreary offices to places employees look forward to going and giving their best. Bob Sofa Modular Seating from Bla Station, is one such modular solution. While Bob Sofa Modular Seating consists only of a small family of 5 soft seating components, the configurations that are possible with these pieces are endless. Not only can you create virtually any shape or size seating unit (even bringing in soft, or not so soft curves if you please), colour is just about entirely left up to you too.

At its widest, each of Bob’s components is only 26 centimetres, which means that it is easy to create soft curves or hairpins, depending on the spacial restrictions, and with only 5 different modules, it won’t require a degree in architecture to understand. Have a look below at some modular soft seating configurations made possible with Bob Sofa Modular Seating:


Creating boundaries within the office

While bob pushes the boundaries in terms of creating maximum flexibility with a minimum of components, other modular soft seating systems can create boundaries within open plan spaces. Open plan offices are often noisy and employees need to find areas where informal meeting, or even a casual chat with a colleague, is possible without disturbing the rest of the office.

Away from the Desk is a modular soft seating system that addresses the above-mentioned problem by answering the needs of our rapidly changing workplace. The modern workplaceise mobile and social in nature, which means that communication moves beyond one-to-one towards many-to-many to capture the power of social networking. AD Modular Seating successfully provides the correct balance between Proximity, Privacy and Permission. This modular unit allows the creation of both individual and collaborative working configurations that fit into your office space.

In a similar way, Manhattan Modular Seating designed by Morten Nikolajsencan be shaped into a myriad of configurations to fit into any office reception, lounge, waiting area or to create an informal meeting area. With its pentagonal modules and three different backrest heights to choose from, this system can be as “open” or private as you need it to be.

Lastly,  Plot Modular Sofa is a creative and unique answer to the modern office or workplace that allows employees to use it in whichever way they want. Plot modular sofa system inspires and offers a solution to creating spaces for staff to use it in their unique way. Plot modular sofa offers users multilevel seating and allows for different seating positions while still remaining functional. Three cushioned surfaces can be used in various ways – as a backrest, table, couch, chair or tablet where items can be placed. The tops distinguish themselves in colour and material from the sides. With a wide range of colour combinations and modules, Plot can be adapted to many different types’ office environments.