How Important Are Electric Desks In Your Office?
Long hours of continuous sitting will eventually show negative health impacts. And although most jobs require a peaceful and relaxing seating environment to be productive, it can turn out otherwise for your body.
Did you know people who spend substantial hours of their day sitting have higher chances of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease? Of course, given its uncooperative consequences, a viable solution had to be found. And behold, the result is electric and height adjustable desks.
Alternating between sitting and standing as working positions have been found to be very fruitful. It showed a positive change in people complaining of back problems, blood flow and sugar levels, stress reduction, and even overall concentration. Suffice to say, your office needs it. Head on and explore more about the advantages of electric desks at the workplace.
Energy And Concentration Booster
When you are sitting, chances are you will continue slouching on your work chair and hunching on your keyboard. It is a sign of tiredness and boredom. An electric desk, however, will flip this vibe 180 degrees.
Apres Furniture has a range of sit-stand desks for you to choose from. An individual employee might find the Tyde height adjustable desk to be a good fit for personal work routine. With soundproof screens, not only will the entire action of standing improve energy and concentration, but the desk itself will promote it.
Deals With Back Pain
Back pain is one of the most occurring problems among working individuals. Long sitting periods are simply to blame. As per research, incorporating just half an hour of standing time during work hours has shown a 54% improvement in back pain complaints. Of course, one thing impacts the other. And any physical interruptions can affect work. So, it’s time to get rid of it via electric desks.
Our Oblique Adapt Desks and T-leg Desks will help counter this, among all others. This contemporary workstation is designed to tackle backaches while also serving the ultimate looks.
Improve Blood Flow And Manage Sugar Levels
A standing posture is ideal for efficient blood flow around the body. When you are sitting or slumped, you not only lose blood circulation to energy-boosting organs but also see a negative impact on blood sugar levels.
A combination of sitting and standing while working after a meal shows a lower blood sugar spike. As a company, you definitely do not want to leave your employees facing such issues, and Apres Furniture is here to help you.
The Linnea Elevate Bench Desks and Sit-Stand Bench Desks will be a good fit. These help promote an active posture while working on projects with a team.
Key Takeaway For Electric Desks!
Installing office furniture that promotes ergonomic health is essential. Employees are a company’s biggest asset; hence, they are to be given spaces where they enjoy working. In a situation otherwise, an overall impact will be seen. Apres Furniture’s well-rounded offerings are here to help. They are modern, stylish, and designed to keep up with the evolving world. Check out more options now!